Впервые мне в лицее уютно и хорошо и не одиноко *-* it's all about the place. I've found a wonderful one: it's kinda an extension of a hallway, so it's narrow and long and there're windows at both sides and it's warm there, and it'll be warm in winter *-* and there are books. ALL THOSE WONDERFUL BOOKS THERE ARE SOOOOOOOO MANY OF THEM I JUST CAN'T it's not only a classrom, it's kind of a library archive as well: there are several bookshelves and two armchairs and there are many boxes filled with books. BOOKS IN ENGLISH GUYS GUYS THERE'S TOLKIEN AND LEWIS AND WILDE AND POE AND MANY-MANY OTHERS and there're books in different languages and philosophy books and i've found Burroughs and Umberto Eco and many wonderful classics i want to read... this is the perfect place *____* and two wonderful people often keep me company <3 i can't imagine how awesome it would be sitting there in winter, reading, drinking hot tea from a thermos perrrfect
UPD. а сегодня я нашла одну коробку, полную гейской литературы таких авторов я вроде не помню, но книги определенно гейские that's going to be one interesting year, all right
из неприятного... на мою специальность в БГУИРе почти самый большой конкурс в республике. И проходной балл соответствующий( и, судя по статистике, он будет только расти -_-