Я так и не дочитала ее а все из-за Чака. Новелла была мною догрызена как раз до момента ТОГО САМОГО МОМЕНТА КОГДА ВСЕ БОЛЬАНГСТСЛЕЗЫ
Но, в общем, я читала все это не просто так. Под катом - шипперские цитаты X) всего 3 пейринга, больше всего, конечно, сайенс брос, ибо... ибо!
читать дальшеRaleigh/Yancy:
Brother or not, two people who Drifted together achieved a kind of intimacy that didn't exist in normal human relationships.
нет, это определенно очень подозрительная фраза
They glared at each other like an old married couple, deciding which of their ancient quarrels to restart.
Newt transferred his patronizing disapproval from Raleigh back to his partner, where Raleigh figured it spent most of its time. PARTNER PARTNER YOU SEE THIS TOO?? OMG I CAN'T PARTNER
From Newt's personnel dossier:
Service file contains written complaints from Kaiju Science colleague Dr. Hermann Gottlieb regarding Geiszler's laboratory procedures, personal demeanor, taste in music, and other minor issues. Complaints deemed nonessential. No action is to be taken. i have this feeling everybody ships them
Hermann wouldn't have done it even if he had conclusive mathematical proof that it would save the universe. It just wasn't something a guy like Hermann could conceive of. But it was exactly the kind of thing that was constantly running through Newt's mind, which (and Newt would never have admitted this out loud, but he knew it was true) was why he and Hermann worked so well together. They struck sparks. AND BLOODY RAINBOWS самая избитая шипперская цитата. ну понятно же почему
The world was shaking around him. No, he was shaking.
No, someone was shaking him.
Hermann. Shaking him. Also he was shaking, spasming, making sounds.
“Newt!” Hermann shouted again. He tore the squid cap off Newt’s head and slapped him hard.
Newt froze. The world fell into place around him again. He had two thoughts at once.
The first was that he had no idea how the Rangers could do this more than once. As for the second… he looked up at Hermann and said, “I was right.”
Then he slumped into unconsciousness. Весь из себя официальный и правильный Германн зовет его Ньют... he must be really worried and scared *-* and i didn't understand who exactly was "spasming and making sounds", but if it's Hermann, it just gets a whole lot better *___* and Newt thinks about Hermann before passing out X) awwww
"Did you get a chance to look at the Drift recording?"
"I was otherwise occupied with saving your life, Dr. Geiszler," Hermann said.
"For God's sake, Hermann." ииии опять Dr. Geiszler. Ньют спасен, можно опять дуться
now let me quote Hannibal Chau's words to Newt:
A guy like you doesn't have a girlfriend. You're married to your lab. и все содержимое лаборатории считается
Когда Германну пришла в голову идея о совместном Дрифте:
Ohhhhh, that’s right, Newt thought. I forgot this is all about you and your model, Hermann. So sorry to be busy saving the world instead. Also he was irritated that Hermann had pluralized “kaiju” like it was an English word.
“It hurts to be wrong, doesn’t it?” he said, all mock sympathy.
“I am not,” Gottlieb insisted. “But the only way to find out is to do this…”
The next word out of Hermann’s mouth shocked Newt so profoundly that for a moment he considered the possibility that he might have been wrong all along. Maybe Hermann wasn’t a pompous, prissy, egomaniacal number slave all the time after all.
That word was, “…together.”
Hermann grabbed one of the Neural Connector squid caps and mashed it down over his head.
“I’ll go with you. That’s what Jaeger pilots do, share the load.”
“You would do that with me?” Newt looked around, half expecting the world to be ending already. Biblically. Cats lying down with dogs, rains of frogs, rivers of blood, the whole works.
“With worldwide destruction a certain alternative, do I really have a choice?” Hermann asked.
Well, Newt thought. If you were going to put it like that…
“Say it with me, then!” He slapped his own squid cap on.
Hermann made a fist like it was the first time in his life he had performed the action.
“We’re gonna own this,” he repeated, less then convincingly.
Okay, Newt thought. Not the rah-rah type. But we knew that.
“Yeah,” he said. “Pass me that cable over there.”
почему-то предпоследняя строчка - моя любимая. But we knew that of course Newt knew everything about Hermann
Дрифт *-* не то чтобы шипперное, но Герман
Then they were in full Drift together... with the brain of Baby Otachi Junior right there with them. Gottlieb had never Drifted, and his mind went through a moment of screaming dislocation before the Geiszler Array took over and performed the neural handshake. Newt had a complete tour of Hermann's mind, within a faction of a second.
numbers language of the universe and they will hide me I can hide behind them because they are never angry they are never wrong they choose no sides and expect nothing they are purely themselves and will never betray me
Newt had mud between his toes at Lake Como. Gottlieb was soldering together a robot can I build an intelligence that will pass a Turing test and if I could of course I can I must never say anything about it until it is done or Father will
Hermann you poor baby
Pentecost/Herc: not that i ship it buuuuut
"Stacker," said Herc. He was probably the only person in the Shatterdome or its associated facilities who called Stacker Pentecost by his first name, and then only in private. in prrrrivate
И еще - момент, когда Чак громко и скептически сомневался в своей совместимости с маршалом и тот высказал ему все, что думал, и добавил…
With a look over at Herc, Pentecost added, “But you are your father’s son. We’ll match up just fine.” То есть Пентекост считает себя и Герка дрифт-совместимыми. If you know what I mean.
Pacific Rim novel quotes
Я так и не дочитала ее а все из-за Чака. Новелла была мною догрызена как раз до момента ТОГО САМОГО МОМЕНТА КОГДА ВСЕ БОЛЬАНГСТСЛЕЗЫ
Но, в общем, я читала все это не просто так. Под катом - шипперские цитаты X) всего 3 пейринга, больше всего, конечно, сайенс брос, ибо... ибо!
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Но, в общем, я читала все это не просто так. Под катом - шипперские цитаты X) всего 3 пейринга, больше всего, конечно, сайенс брос, ибо... ибо!
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