...если я срочно не начну контролировать свои чувства, задолбаю всех вокруг -_- но что я могу сделать? я сама не знаю, почему все так, как случается. меня это тоже бесит :/
а еще я не умею игнорить людей. и сердечки в глазах у меня не сбиваются. и говорю я как дебил what am i to do with this feeling, where the hell did it come from? i don't want to get rid of it, but i'll try, i promise.
i understood one thing because of this mess: i need something unknown in my life, something worth winning, a mystery, a passion, i need to have feelings so strong it seems they can tear me apart. Because the truth is, they hold me together. Now I feel happy. Miserable, unworthy, hopeless, but at the same time i feel like i found something important, the lack of which had always been lingering at the back of my mind. Maybe i'm in love with a feeling and not a person, time will show. But it's a wonderful feeling and it's worth it.
i'll still try to forget her. i already have unachievable goals, this one is just too heartbreaking for me. i feel like my heart has grown bigger than my chest overnight. it hurts like hell.