Okay. You know what? This feeling calmed down a little. I don't cry all the time, i can do some things without thinking about her. I'm still in love, but it's even better now)
Oh and i finally asked her out *w* we went to that international book fair. Although there wasn't as much foreign stuff as i was hoping there will be( But tHE USA STAND AND ALL THE COMICS *_* And a real British lady asked me a question in real British English, i can only hope my answer wasn't bad >< Oh, and we've looked through all the books at the French stand, like ALL OF THEM - we were looking for the Blue is the Warmest Color and nobody wanted to ask about it... Alex finally did aaand nope, they didn't have it( But later i've gone to the comics shop and they said i can buy it later. I'm in doubts about keeping something like that at home, but... but Alex. Yup -_-
Oh and. We - me and Alex - we... we held hands *-* for a long time *---------* just *________________________* she doesn't let me do this in lyceum. but then

at the comic books shop
there was
i was hysterical and and and i just
didn't buy it well, i know it almost by heart and i don't want to cry. but i have JLI now instead! that first JLI *O* ohhhh it's so nice to reread it

and another important thing: I've seen Amelie yesterday.
I just don't know how to write about movies that good. It was just so beautiful. So strange, so wonderful, magical and cute and surreal. I really want to travel after movies like this *-* and do good and sweet things, and change people's lives. That's just so inspirational