just the right kind of fucked up
я постоянно краду песни из чужих дневников

it's just so boostle :weep3: the blue beetle's song.
I saw a friend of mine the other day,
And he told me that my eyes were gleamin'.
Oh I said I had been away, and he knew,
Oh he knew the depths I was meanin'.
And it felt so good to see his face,
Or the comfort invested in my soul.
Oh to feel the warmth of a smile,
When he said "I'm happy to have you home"

I'm happy to have you home.

UPD. AAAAAARGH screw it this piece is perfect too and i can't not post it TT

but the first one is so... i don't know the word. But it's beautiful.

@темы: music, комиксовое, DC