ок, мое мнение может не совпадать с вашим, особенно если вы умный человекмне просто кажется, что тамблр немного зацикливается на некоторых вещах
AND THIS (the second quote only):
[…] “It’s nice to have queer representation in media that doesn’t poke fun at the characters’ relationship,” said Hannah Powers, who runs the fan blog Dark Owl Records.
Baldwin put it another way: “It’s nice that that is the least-weird part about the storyline."
the words straight from my head
compared to everything else in Night Vale, Carlos and Cecil's relationship is so normal. AND THAT'S THE POINT
that is not as important as mysterious hooded figures, or a war with the underground town, or Cecil's strange childhood, or librarians, but does tumblr wonder about all these things? noooooo. 90% posts are about the importance of them being in a relationship.
ppl focus on that and don't use their imagination. and they just generally don't use their imagination. FOR SHAME PPL
Welcome to Night Vale