just the right kind of fucked up
Руди все еще не признается
Хотя он не гей, y'know, he just isn't straight
А вообще там прекраснота. Дааа *-* не считая этой недопедофилии с надзирателем. He seriously freaks me out ಥ_ಥ the previous one was better -_-
А вы тоже заметили, что после изгоняния дьявола Алекс и Финли как-то подружились? There even was a brofist
All right, let's talk about Rudy again
OHHHH i love my headcanons *___* i think that whole gay/not gay situation can be solved easily, Rudy can be both. I think Rudy Two will fall in love with the flying guy *-* hell knows why, but i like that thought. just... what were those guys they saved him from saying? and the way he looks and hides and the way Rudy looked when he recognized him... there is something =_=
And Abby. She's my favorite *____* just generally, she's so strange and cute and she says all the things she thinks and the scarf... i already ship her and the scarf girl *-* cuuuuuuties
Хотя он не гей, y'know, he just isn't straight

А вообще там прекраснота. Дааа *-* не считая этой недопедофилии с надзирателем. He seriously freaks me out ಥ_ಥ the previous one was better -_-
А вы тоже заметили, что после изгоняния дьявола Алекс и Финли как-то подружились? There even was a brofist

All right, let's talk about Rudy again
OHHHH i love my headcanons *___* i think that whole gay/not gay situation can be solved easily, Rudy can be both. I think Rudy Two will fall in love with the flying guy *-* hell knows why, but i like that thought. just... what were those guys they saved him from saying? and the way he looks and hides and the way Rudy looked when he recognized him... there is something =_=
And Abby. She's my favorite *____* just generally, she's so strange and cute and she says all the things she thinks and the scarf... i already ship her and the scarf girl *-* cuuuuuuties

Но версия про гея -Рудидва мне нравится очень :3
а первый пост я понял правильно. если бы секс был с Руди, пост, я знаю, был бы раз в 5 длиннее и весь капсом