тонна жизненного ангстаNow's the wrong time for feeling lonely and insecure I'm all wrong It's my fault i feel that way. I look at all these wonderful, popular people, i understand the difference. But i don't know how to change. Is there some kind of a manual? Cause i'm lost, i don't know. I want to say so many things but i know i will annoy everyone. I want to delete all my posts that are stupid and feel wrong, but nothing will be left, except for some songs. But i can at least do it; maybe i will. Think about it: i can do something right, i can really delete all the words... like i never said them. I wish real life was that easy. I couldn't do anything and now i must pay for my failures. I know, it's my fault, i understand and i can even accept. But to know nobody believes in me... it's just too much, i can't, i just want it all to stop and i want to... just want to go. I dreamed a perfect world once. I dreamed love and happiness. No problems from my life and no getting old and no dying. I don't dream like this now. All i see are trains and cities and people who don't know me. I miss someone I can't miss. So much. I just want to say some words i will never say.
How does the song go? Out of all the flaws i stumbled upon it's the hardest one to focus on