воскресенье, 08 июня 2014
А я тут как-то добралась до screen play версии The Blue Angel
А там еще больше шипперной милоты *О* эта версия гораздо более гейская, чем оригинал, а оригинал писал Пол Магрс, and that's saying something
Some Eight/Fitz cuteness from Obverse
The Doctor is no longer singing along, and after a moment Fitz appears at the top of the staircase, listening intently. The camera pans to show the doorway to the living room. The Doctor is on a chaise-longue, the white protective sheet only partially pulled back from it. He is staring at the floor vacantly, almost catatonic, holding an ormolu clock in the form of a cathedral front on his lap. We see Fitz enter and gently take the clock from him. The Doctor draws up his legs, and wraps his arms around them.
We cut to an eye-level view of Fitz and the Doctor, from within the sitting room. It is clear that the Doctor was in the midst of reconstituting the room, after painting the walls, when he fell into his dejection. The coffee table in front of him is piled with ornaments and books, and the shelves, mantelpiece and walls are bare. Fitz steps over to the mantel and carefully places the clock in the centre. He pulls the white cover completely off the chaise-longue, and sits down companionably with the Doctor. After a moment, he reaches forward and brushes away a lock of hair that is catching the Doctor’s lashes when he blinks; then he returns to his book. Ella finishes her song: “… beyond the rainbow, why, oh why, can’t I?” The Doctor absently massages his leg.
The Doctor and Fitz are sitting on a stone bench against the garden wall, leaning against one another back to back. The Doctor is in his pyjamas again, and an old-fashioned green plaid dressing gown with braiding. Fitz is wearing the Doctor’s long green coat over his T-shirt, and Wellington boots; he is smoking, with a closed book in his free hand.
There is a silence. Fitz drops his cigarette butt and reaches back to pat the top of the Doctor’s head affectionately.
FITZ: You’re a natural hybrid.
He puts an arm around the Doctor’s waist, and steers him towards the kitchen.
Come on; I’ll make breakfast with you.
ROMY (to Fitz): […] Anyway, neither of you need me. I’m just in the way. The Doctor has difficult challenges ahead, but it’s you he relies on now. Even if he has a funny way of showing it.
И это только обверс. А в основной вселенной Фитц называл Докту "confirmed bachelor". А это эвфемизм, означающий gay X) So Fitz and the Doctor are gay for each other in all universes <3
Doctor Who & everything