just the right kind of fucked up
О всякой жизни. По пунктам.
ничего особо интересного тут нет, просто всякая повседневность

@темы: повседневное

27.09.2014 в 09:14

Flawless Idiot | Sorry, can't hear you over the sound of my awesomeness | Gentlemen (c)
Due to the lack of guys on our lessons i get to lead with some girls, so i learn to lead and to be led in equal measure
gah! why so cute :heart:_:heart: i totally googled what "линди" is ... and WOW! why are you so awesome! that's not fair at all! TT^TT
27.09.2014 в 14:05

just the right kind of fucked up
Yeah, cute and interesting :laugh: and, i forgot to mention it - the best leading partners I had also were girls, the teachers. They're so cool and charming and strong *o* but to lead with some girls is also great, if they're responsive, although i'm still not very good at guiding them to where i want them to go X) It's just that only experienced guys are really good at leading, the beginners (well, i'm a beginner too, but it's not the point)) are uncertain and self-conscious. But when you get to dance with a really good leading partner it feels so awesome, you can totally relax and just feel and react :inlove: упс, что-то я заговорилась X)
Yep, lindy-hop is the best thing in the world! :vict: but i'm not awesome at all now, i'm just starting to learn) And it's quite easy compared to some other dances. Maybe you can find some courses when you deal with some of the things you have to deal with now? Cause dancing really feels very good, it can help you unwind and feel better)
and when we meet i can dance with you - hey, it'll be like a drift compatibility test! :laugh: now that would be cute >‿<
29.09.2014 в 19:08

Flawless Idiot | Sorry, can't hear you over the sound of my awesomeness | Gentlemen (c)
oh i remember the lessons we had when i was in lyceum though they were in the ass o'clock in the morning, предмет был обязательный, но туда практически никто не ходил, потому что в 7 с чем-то утра у нас были дополнительные занятия по русскому в этот день, а затем уроки по расписанию до 15 или 16 часов, как повезет. А танцы были до русского и туда еще надо было добраться, так что приходилось вставать часов в 5... Но оно того стоило - у нас были вальс и танго. Парней было мало, поэтому зачастую у меня было по 2-3 партнерши >_< but i wanted someone to switch the roles and take the lead but guys there were painfully straight and so we switched with a friend of my. She was awesome *^*
though at first it looked like this (watch from 2:00):

so yeah i know the feel :heart:

к несчастью у нас настолько маленький город, что танцевальных школ как таковых нет, а из частных натыкался только на объявления "танец живота" и брейк ... >_> а так бы с радостью, но я как-то поспешил со вторым высшим - большинство пар по расписанию утренние, а у меня работа с 8 до 16-30 на заводе за городом и времени катастрофически не хватает вообще ни на что а еще я подхватил простуду и хочу умереть :facepalm:
but hey! i'll figure something out! we always can waltz i can show you the moves they're quite simple! and you can always teach me!
so yeah! we should dance! ^__^
30.09.2014 в 14:11

just the right kind of fucked up
but i wanted someone to switch the roles and take the lead but guys there were painfully straight and so we switched with a friend of my.
aaaaaaaa too cute :heart:

and wow, that tango from the video looks awesome and so do actors *^* btw, about "it's hard to do it backwards" - lindy is more, ehm, democratic about this cause it's more diverse and there are so many basic moves and girls sometimes look like they're leading even if they're not - I mean, look how Pitruzella's partner throws him at about 1:28 *o*
Also, Pitruzella and some other dude:
читать дальше
He's so awesoooome *______*

времени катастрофически не хватает вообще ни на что
oh i feel you bro >_> i also have so many things (and survive only on drugs -_-), but none of them are as, y'know, hard and scary and adult as yours Q_Q i can only wish you good luck. and try not to die there, ok? i need you alive *mental hug*

Yeah we'll dance and teach each other and there'll be a lot of laughing and sudden hugs in the middle of it all and ice-cream afterwards *^* ><
02.10.2014 в 20:41

Flawless Idiot | Sorry, can't hear you over the sound of my awesomeness | Gentlemen (c)
AAAAAHHHHH! those videos are so freaking CUTE! OH GOD I'M GONNA DIE FROM CUTENESS OVERDOSE! :heart::heart::heart:
and gosh Max Pitruzzella is awesome *^*

I literally LIVE on coffee these days :facepalm:
Сегодня был ужасный день - я 3 дня работал над сорбцией, 4 часа десорбировал сегодня, пропустил обед и едва не опоздал на автобус домой, собрал 11 мл идеального десорбата в пробирку, плотно закрыл пробкой, поставил в стакан и оставил в боксе, но его умудрились перевернуть! и все вылилось! и теперь у меня не будет результата, а мне нужно отчитываться перед начальством и мне не успеть все переделать, да и переделывать не из чего TT^TT а еще аналитики отказались определять состав проб, хотя должны, у меня даже документ есть, пришлось самому учиться и торчать по 30 минут над каждой пробой
ненавижу этот день :facepalm:
завтра тоже заочно уже ненавижу, потому что 6 часов десорбции, и я не укладываюсь в рабочий день TT^TT
work sucks
adulthood also sucks
real life sucks :facepalm:

Yeah we'll dance and teach each other and there'll be a lot of laughing and sudden hugs in the middle of it all and ice-cream afterwards *^*
vfsuhyngfuysgeucfyngs u
so cute *^*
04.10.2014 в 13:56

just the right kind of fucked up
oh shit Q_Q
But... there must be somebody you can fuck some problems off to, right? I mean, that spilled liquid wasn't your fault, and neither was that: аналитики отказались определять состав проб. There has to be somebody on your work you can complain bout that to ><
and anyway, it'll get better :pity: we'll escape from all this adulthood one day)
06.10.2014 в 08:41

Flawless Idiot | Sorry, can't hear you over the sound of my awesomeness | Gentlemen (c)
well my 'chief doesn't give a damn about whose fault was that and other inconveniences, he needs results
i can complain as much as i want but that won't change the fact that i need to do everything all over again
*le sigh* :facepalm:
сижу в поликлинике и вновь наблюдаю царящий здесь цирк
we'll escape from all this adulthood one day
i wish that day will come soon

09.10.2014 в 08:37

just the right kind of fucked up
Oh, shit, sometimes this world is just pushing our limits >_> I can only wish you good luck and careful coworkers and hugs ><

сижу в поликлинике и вновь наблюдаю царящий здесь цирк
Ohhhh how i feel you. I need to go there again, to do some heart-related stuff, but i'd honestly rather get some heart disease then go through all the doctors who always lose papers again T^T

i wish that day will come soon
let's hope for the summer, right? <3